Thursday 6 September 2012

Stewart Wolmark in a rainy night

One rainy night, Zevi Stewart Wolmark and I were driving along a highway. That long highway becomes very lonely in night. I was a bit nervous and frightened to see the loneliness of the way. Suddenly, a man with hunched shoulders came in front of our car. The man was tall with a full beard that really scared me. We both were alarmed to see him. He was just trying to stop the car.     

I said Stewart Wolmark to not to stop the car. “We should look into the matter,” he replied and stopped the car to listen to the problem of that man. As he stopped the car, the man came to Wolmark. We could see the sadness and despair in his eyes. Stewart backed up and unlocked the door of the car. I was praying to be everything all right. That man told us that his car had got stuck in the mud. He had been asking for the lift for everyone but no one stopped for him. He was completely drenched. He was shivering from high fever. We could see his helplessness. He took him into the car and headed it to the hospital. 

This incident made me respect Zevi more!   

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